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    Top 5 Popular NFT Domain Projects You Need To Know -

    Dec 16, 2022

    NFT domains are web extensions that are entirely hosted on public blockchains (the next thing after crypto domains). Domains are non-fungible tokens that act as domains. They are the key to having a specific space in Web3 and provide the domain owner with full ownership of stored data. In this article, we will learn about the top 5 popular NFT domain projects that you should know.

    Domain Name NFTs

    What Is an NFT Domain?

    Before going to the top 5 popular NFT domain projects, you need to know the definition of an NFT domain first. An NFT Domain represents a virtual web domain that is hosted in a decentralized manner in web 3.0 and runs in the form of a smart contract, which is listed on the public Blockchain.

    NFT domains include many domain extensions that are new, such as .nft or .crypto, which are available on the Polygon and Ethereum blockchains.

    How does the NFT Domain Work?

    The hosting of NFT Domains is done in a decentralized manner. This is very similar to what is known as Cloud Hosting; however, there is a distinct difference in that there is complete decentralization across all of the devices that are supporting the blockchain. This implies that there is no specific server that is conducting the hosting.

    This makes it possible for the owner of the domain to have full control over their domain with root permissions, which is something that is not possible with traditional domains. As a result, the owner of the domain is the only person who has the authority to decide what they are allowed to do with the domain (make a web 3.0 website, flip it for profit, tie it to a wallet, etc.)

    What are NFT Domains Used For?

    Because of the lack of clear control due to decentralization, NFT domains can have the following applications when compared to traditional domains and web hosting:

    1. They can shorten and simplify your long and boring crypto address by replacing it with an NFT domain name. This works with the majority of cryptocurrencies, including LTC, ETH, and BTC.

    2. They are simple and easy to remember, making working with them a breeze.

    3. You get complete control and ownership of the domain for life.

    4. Because it is not controlled by big tech, you pay only once to own the domain and there are no other hidden fees or monthly charges.

    5. There is no limit to the number of NFT domains you can own, and they are very easy to sell.

    Top 5 Popular NFT Domains You Need To Know

    In this segment, we will be showing you which are the top 5 popular NFT Domain projects that you can find currently on the web.

    Unstoppable Domains

    Unstoppable Domains.png

    Unstoppable Domains is now the market leader when it comes to the provision of NFT domains on the blockchain, which positions them as one of the NFT Domain Sellers that are in the highest demand. Because of this, the service in question can be considered a trailblazer in the annals of Blockchain history. The fact that the company sells domains that are hosted on the Ethereum Blockchain network is its primary competitive advantage. When compared to typical domain sellers, this type of seller grants the customer full control over the purchase of the domain. Simply defined, they are domains that come with special abilities, and after you buy them, you continue to have control over those abilities. The service provided by Unstoppable Domains is uncomplicated and straightforward, and the company offers exceptional customer assistance along with a comprehensive knowledge base.




    Decentraland Names

    Decentraland Names

    Decentraland Names are quickly becoming one of the industry leaders in the development of a Blockchain virtual world that is equipped with its own resources and users who are capable of producing decentralized content and applications. When it comes to the subject of NFT names, Decentraland Names has a lot to offer. It is true that its "Names" do not function as direct domains; nonetheless, they are developed for the same goal and are ERC721 tokens that have been effectively merged into the Ethereum Name System. You can also use them to simplify your wallet by using something like "josh.dcl.eth," and you may buy and sell them using MANA, which is the native cryptocurrency of Decentraland. At the moment, the Names of Decentraland can be located on the official website of their marketplace or on the OpenSea.

    ENS Domains (Ethereum Name Service)

    _ENS Ethereum Name Service.png

    Ethereum Name Service domains, commonly known as ENS domains, are big NFT Domain Sellers that offer domains that are intended to serve the decentralized world. ENS domains can also be referred to by their previous name. They make it possible for each user to map human names into the blockchain in a secure manner. They have a broad variety of uses, among which include the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a replacement for Ethereum addresses, hashes, and even websites. ENS domain names are typically available for purchase through secondary markets like Opensea.

    One of the most significant benefits of utilizing this service is the low cost of and in some instances even the absence of cost associated with, acquiring a domain name.




    Cryptovoxels Names

    Cryptovoxels names are another type of ERC721 token that is currently being sold by NFT Domain Sellers and can eventually be used as an NFT Domain. Cryptovoxels, like Decentraland, are a metal verse powered by the decentralized Ethereum network and Blockchain. You can participate in the middle verse by purchasing land, constructing stores and art galleries, and editing everything. Cryptovoxels names, like Decentraland names, are a way to purchase a name for your avatar, make it your own private NFT domain, and possibly tie it to services.


    Cryptovoxels Names

    Trust Domains

    The last name in the list of top 5 popular NFT domain projects is Trust Domains. It is a pioneering company in the blockchain domain name services industry and one of the more recent entrants in the NFT Domains space. In addition, these tokens are of the ERC721 variety, and the group's primary focus is on the monetary infrastructure of the World Wide Web. 3.0.

    They are also interested in working with Binance, Confux, and HecoChain in addition to Ethereum, which suggests that their domains are primarily focused on the financial application of NFT domains. Additionally, they are focused on working with Ethereum. At this time, Trust Domains is considered to be one of the industry's more recent competitors.




    Trust Domains.png


    The article below is about the list of the top 5 Popular NFT Domain projects. Hopefully, you can learn something useful from the article. If you have any questions, please leave us a comment below, and our team will get back to you soon.

    Common Questions

    Is it possible to make money with NFT domains?

    Yes. You can make money flipping NFT domains in the same way that some people make money domains. While it is not easy, it is doable if you choose desirable domain names. Some domains sell for 1 ETH, and the most expensive sale so far was for Paradigm for 350 ETH ($2 million). eth.

    What is the currency used to transact an NFT domain name?

    Purchasing an NFT domain is more akin to purchasing other NFTs than it is to purchasing and registering a traditional Web 2.0 domain. NFT marketplaces can be used to buy and register blockchain domain names. The majority of NFT domain names are traded in cryptocurrencies, but some providers accept fiat currency.

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