
    What is FOMO in crypto and how can we deal with FOMO?

    Sep 20, 2022

    What is FOMO in crypto? It's a popular question for a lot of people when entering this market. In this article, we will explore “what is FOMO?”, advantages & disadvantages and how investors can avoid FOMO with

    What is FOMO in crypto?


    Surely those of people who are newbies of the crypto market have also heard at least once about the term FOMO. But the definition of this phrase is still unclear. So What is FOMO in the crypto market?

    FOMO stands for "Fear of Missing Out". It is the feeling of worry or anxiety brought on by the fear of missing out on something important or valuable.

    People who are suffering from FOMO may act impulsively, such as buying something they cannot afford or following through with a plan even if it is not in their best interests.

    The cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile. Due to their fear of missing out on possible gains, investors who experience FOMO are more likely to buy coins or tokens without doing enough research. This usually results in investors purchasing into a coin that has been hyped just to see its price drop shortly after.

    Why does FOMO exist?

    why-does-fomo-exist.jpg When the prices of coins begin to rise, people can't help but feel as though they're missing out on something important. When FOMO overwhelms a person, they may act hastily and buy something without completing any research.

    Because cryptocurrencies are a new and interesting asset class, so FOMO exists. People don't want to miss out on the opportunity to make some big profit because this market has a lot of development potential.

    There is a lot of buzz surrounding the cryptocurrency market, which is another factor contributing to the prevalence of FOMO. The newest price changes and the hottest coins at the moment are hot topics on social media, forums, and blogs.

    When everyone around you is talking about how much money they are making in cryptocurrency, it can be challenging to resist the impulse to buy. But keep in mind that just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s a good investment. Do your own research to make sure the coin is a wise investment before you purchase it.

    The last reason why FOMO exists in crypto is that there’s a lot of uncertainty surrounding this market. Cryptocurrencies are still relatively new, and their prices are highly volatile. This means that there’s always a risk that prices could crash, and people don’t want to miss out on the chance to make money while they can.

    What is FOMO's effect on Crypto?

    What is FOMO’s advantage?

    When hearing about FOMO, many people will think of the negative effects it brings. This is not necessarily true. Let's explore “What is FOMO’s benefit?”

    • It keeps you updated on trends and news: When a subject is actively debated, it may indicate breaking news, which allows you to quickly identify market trends.
    • Encourages you to act: One further benefit of FOMO is that it might motivate you to do something. You are more inclined to take action to prevent missing out if you are fearful of missing out on something.
    • Can be a source of inspiration: FOMO can be a source of inspiration for some people. You can be more motivated to put in extra effort to ensure that you don't lose out if you're worried about missing out on a chance.

    What is FOMO’s disadvantage?

    FOMO's-disadvantage.jpeg There are only a few benefits, despite the fact that there are some. FOMO commonly has a number of negative effects on investors. Let's find out how FOMO affects the cryptocurrency market.

    • Can lead to tension and anxiety: One of FOMO's biggest drawbacks is that it can lead to worry and anxiety.
    • Can result in rash decisions: FOMO also has the drawback of perhaps resulting in impulsive decisions. You may be more inclined to make snap judgments without carefully considering your options if you are worried about missing out on an opportunity. This could have detrimental effects on the crypto industry.

    Symptoms of FOMO

    After understanding about “what is FOMO?”, its positive and negative effects on the participants. Another question arises, “what are the symptoms of FOMO”? Many people who have FOMO syndrome are typically beginner market traders and will exhibit symptoms like:

    • Trading with impatience
    • Before placing the order, there is no trading strategy.
    • Trade based on the news, but update the market too slowly.
    • Because analytical methods are still developing, judgments are still susceptible to change.

    How to avoid FOMO?

    If they choose not to take part in a particular coin or project, investors could feel that they are missing out on possible gains. This usually results in irrational choices that can cost money.

    So how do we handle FOMO? Here are some simple tips:

    • Make your own research: This is probably the most crucial action you can take. Never base your financial choices on what other people are doing or saying. Make your own research and only invest in causes you believe.
    • Make a plan and follow it: When you have a plan, it's simpler to follow it and fend off the lure of FOMO. Be aware of your goals and the amount of money you are willing to invest. This will enable you to make decisions without being affected by feelings.
    • This is a general investment rule, but it's crucial in the volatile world of cryptocurrency. Don't invest more than you can afford to lose. Never risk more than you can afford to lose when investing.
    • Be patient: Because cryptocurrency markets can be quite volatile, patience is crucial. You could lose money if you make a decision to invest purely out of FOMO. Don't let FOMO affect your financial choices; instead, wait for the right opportunity.
    • There will always be new chances in the crypto market, so don't be scared to pass them up. Don't worry if you don't make an investment; there will be others. Don't let short-term FOMO cause you to lose sight of your objectives; instead, keep an eye on the long term.


    It may be said that when an investor participates in the cryptocurrency market, FOMO has a significant psychological impact. Investors must therefore fully comprehend "What is FOMO in crypto," continually updating their market expertise. Through this article, hopes you get a clearer understanding of FOMO, its impacts, and how to avoid it.

    What is FOMO in crypto? FAQs

    What is FUD in crypto?

    FUD is a common acronym in the cryptocurrency community that stands for Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.

    How do you deal with FOMO with money?

    Figure out what is important to you. Instead of focusing on what everyone else is spending money on, focus on what is important to you. Research and believe in your choice.

    About Marker247 is a channel to update blockchain technology and the crypto market news as well as share knowledge, experience, and share earned contracts with the community of crypto market participants.

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